即日起禁止任何人餵食!! (不過如果是自己就算惹.....)

目前分類:Movie (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

You're asking me for Inception. I hope you do understand the gravity of that request.

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雖然向來就不是Will Ferrellfan,不過部片還真的是挺值得一看的。

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"Don't be afraid." 很簡單的一句話,男主角在這部電影裡卻將它出乎意料發揮地淋漓盡致地好。

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  • Feb 05 Sun 2006 22:09
  • Crash

I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so we can feel something.--- Crash

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