is meant to be kept between Sofie and I.

I suppose that there must be some kind of trigger between us two, so we always can find the right time to catch up with each other’s life and be supportive at the right time. How amazing that is!

I’m sorry that I might not be as constructive as you expected yesterday. To be honest with you, I can’t make any decision for you, especially when you have the conclusion deep in your heart already, I assume.

Honey, it’s never wrong to be selfish when it comes to relationships. I mean, for what has been said for a long time, if you don’t value yourself high enough, how would you make sure that someone else can be loved and cherished properly? (However, I seem not to fit into that category somehow, for god’s sake.)

Anyway, my point is, you have every right to make your life better. If you don’t foresee him participating in your future, plus if your love ain’t that much nor strong enough for you to go through another year, then leave now and cut the loss while you have enough guts to do so. Hum…I ain’t persuading you into being a bitch, though you might be easy to be talked into; the thing is, you know what kind of life you want, and no one else, but yourself, should be responsible for that once the path has been chosen.

However, if you have the nerve to face the impact coming along with the ending of you and Kuan, you might be prepared already to get strong enough and come up against the damage that probably exist in your imagination only.

Honey, I’m having a hard time myself here. It may not seem as complicated as what you are suffering over there, but I’m trying real hard to figure out the way to keep my faith up so everything can be kept balanced as well.

I ain’t perfect, and I never wanted to be; I want to ignore and have no feeling toward whatever anyone else might think of my actions. Though I do want to truly let go and be myself freely again, I just don’t see myself afford doing so. It’s not that I’m afraid of people being judgmental this time; it’s that I am afraid of taking any chance of hurting the person that I truthfully care, even that brings me heartache at the same time.

Oh well, much more terrible than it may seem, I’m, too, surprised at how stubborn I can get into when the time has come. (Hum, is it really a surprise? lol….)

The truth is, I can’t foretell how long my faith can keep me going, as everything is unpredictable as how it always is, so I am not able to tell you whether I would wait for another year if I were you. However, I hope that you are willing to believe in both parties in this relationship, as I attempt to do better here, too. I would LOVE to believe that such belief would bring out a brighter and sweeter life; I would LOVE to believe what has been gone through helps all of us become what we wanna be.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Be strong, my dear. We will both end up being with our loving husbands and sweet kids eventually, so that we can talk back how silly we were. (Though I might skip the kids part. lol…)


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